Rosa Della Hann Fouts 2/13/1881 - 3/18/1969

Husband: Orby Edwin Fouts 8/11/1883 - 3-25-1970

Married: 6/5/1946 (yes, 1946)

Children: Daisy (DeKilder) 8/24/1899

Orpha (Gimbel) 8/8/1910

Merle Fouts 7/27/1915

Siblings: Lydia and William

(3 Brothers not listed, died before 1897)

Mother: Nancy Louysia Sopher 2/25/1851 - 10/14/1897

Father: Andrew Marion Hann 4/15/1854 - 11/1/1897

Died 17 days after Nancy, reportedly of a broken heart.

Orby's Siblings: Earl, Willard, Retha and Daisy

Mother: Mary E. Ginkins 6/26/1856 - 12/26/1896

Father: John Fouts 3/24/1852-1937

Sunday, January 17, 2010

April 1942

(Rosa and Orby are living at the farm in Vicksburg Michigan. It is on the corner of V Avenue and Portage Road.)

Wednesday, April 1, 1942
10 eggs. Sure is a very nice day. Orby enameled the washroom and I cleaned up the mess after papering. My kidneys are bothering me bad. I feel so on the bum.
Thursday, April 2, 1942
10 eggs. Washed clothes.
Friday, April 3, 1942
10 eggs. Worked all day, cleaning and fixing to move carpet to farm. Today is sister Lydia's Birthday and I did not send her a card, I want to so bad, as she sent me one on my Birthday.
Saturday, April 4, 1942
5 eggs. Went to Otsego to finish packing the furniture, getting ready to rent house. Worked till 4 with out any dinner or water, was wore out when we got home.
Sunday, April 5, 1942
Easter Sunday. 7 eggs. Nice day. Went to Decatur to Minnie's, then to Dowagiac to Elmer's, Aunt Minerva's and Silva's had a good time. Silva gave me a cactus. Minnie was sick, Aunt was not so well. Ira Stilsworth was buried March 24. We also stopped at Willard's. (I don't have all the relatives straight yet, but I'm working on it)
Monday, April 6, 1942
9 eggs. We fixed the stool downstairs and went to Otsego. Its been a very rainy day.
Tuesday, April 7, 1942
10 eggs. Had man come to see about carpet laying. Orby went to Kalamazoo, I did my wash. It is some rainy.
Wednesday, April 8, 1942
10 eggs. We worked hard all day putting in bath tub and stool and I cleaned the small bedroom up stairs. Nice day.
Thursday, April 9, l942
6 eggs. We put in stool. Little colder and rain some today, long toward night.
Friday, April 10, 1942
8 eggs. Men came to lay carpet, they only worked till noon, got carpet layed in bedroom. Will be back tomorrow to finish. It snowed last night and is quite cold but the snow all went away by 2 o'clock. Got my 1 roll of wall paper from Montgomery Ward.
Saturday, April 11, 1942
10 eggs. Men came today and finished carpet laying, cost $21.00 to lay 3 rooms and hall. Cold today. Orby painted around small bedroom rug and put in laboratory.
Sunday, April 12, 1942
8 eggs. Stayed home all day. Man came to rent corn ground. Was a nice day.
Monday, April 13, 1942
9 eggs. We straightened up some and Orby went ot work at 3 o'clock. First day since vacation. I was alone, nice day.
Tuesday, April 14, 1942
7 eggs. A very nice day, we put linoleum down on wash room, it is a nice day.
Wednesday, April 15, 1942
8 eggs. Went to Otsego to move some things from garage. I called on Mr. Simington, had a nice visit. I got the piece of tooth out that gave me so much bother. It sure nice day, fixed new coil in Otsego property.
Thursday, April 16, 1942
8 eggs. Orby went to Otsego to finish up moving things out of garage. We rented house to Ellenger, they move in tomorrow. I did my wash. Today is Dad's birthday, had he lived he would be 88 years. Sure miss you dear Daddy.
Friday, April 17, 1942
7 eggs. Orby is off from work today and we cleaned up the back yard and he hauled it to the dump. Then he tore up the front yard with the tractor. It is little cold today but is nice to work.
Saturday, April 18, 1942
8 eggs. I colored my room curtains and did my 3 rooms. I don't feel so good, I am nervous. Orby went to bed early and I am lonely. I wish I would not be so lonesome. Nice but little cold, sold 3 doa. eggs at 29 ct. doz.
Sunday, April 19, 1942
10 eggs. Stayed home all day as Orby worked last night. We had our neighbor come over and help with scoop, we have the yard about all filled now.
Monday, April 20, 1942
7 eggs. I did my wash. The men started plowing the oats ground.
Tuesday, April 21, 1942
10 eggs. Orby has plowed the east field to put in our garden.
Wednesday, April 22, 1942
8 eggs. Sure was a nice day and very thing looks nice.
Thursday, April 23, 1942
7 eggs. Sure another nice day.
Friday, April 24, 1942
8 eggs. Did a little wash and cleaned house, put up a few pictures, it sure was nice. Orby plowed the neighbors garden.
Saturday, April 25, 1942
7 eggs. Orby is off today.
Sunday, April 26, 1942
10 eggs. Daisy and Ike was here to dinner and supper. Ike helped with the lawn. Then Willard's come in afternoon but went home before supper. After we had supper, Elmer and family come, I got them some supper, they stayed to 10 o'clock. Orby was very tired.
Monday, April 27, 1942
4 eggs. Orby worked all day, I cleaned up some and made some curtains. Orpha got 150 baby chickens. (Oh no, not my Mother, too!!)
Tuesday, April 28, l942
8 eggs.I waxed my linoleum today, it looks nice. It sure is lovely out. I sent 9 cupboards back to Sears today, collect.
Wednesday, April 29, 1942
4 eggs. I did my wash and picked a mess of dandelion. Some girls from school brought over a sugar paper for me to sign. Got letter from Orpha, Mrs. Williams and Frances. Orpha sent me a flower.
Thursday, April 30, 1942
8 eggs. Orby finished raking front lawn, I did ironing and helped rake lawn.

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