Rosa Della Hann Fouts 2/13/1881 - 3/18/1969

Husband: Orby Edwin Fouts 8/11/1883 - 3-25-1970

Married: 6/5/1946 (yes, 1946)

Children: Daisy (DeKilder) 8/24/1899

Orpha (Gimbel) 8/8/1910

Merle Fouts 7/27/1915

Siblings: Lydia and William

(3 Brothers not listed, died before 1897)

Mother: Nancy Louysia Sopher 2/25/1851 - 10/14/1897

Father: Andrew Marion Hann 4/15/1854 - 11/1/1897

Died 17 days after Nancy, reportedly of a broken heart.

Orby's Siblings: Earl, Willard, Retha and Daisy

Mother: Mary E. Ginkins 6/26/1856 - 12/26/1896

Father: John Fouts 3/24/1852-1937

Saturday, January 30, 2010

April 1961

(Rosa is 80, and Orby will be 78 in August 1961, they live in Kalamazoo, Michigan on Douglas Avenue. They travel to Tempe Arizona to visit Merle and Letha Fouts in the winter. And Mr. Dennis' name is Ernest Dennis)

Saturday, April 1, 1961
I am at home, did not sleep too good last night. It is flaking a little snow. Dad went to sale, he likes to go, I felt to badly, headaches bad.
Sunday, April 2, 1961
Easter Sunday, stayed home, quite a lot of snow on the ground, Claudia and Dennis was here a while last night, brought over box of Easter candy for us. (Claudia Gimbel and Dennis Westra) Effie and Pete was here this evening took my doll home to make it a dress, today is my sisters birthday, she would be 82 years, born 1879. (Lydia Hann)
Monday, April 3, 1961
Dad went to Kalamazoo and ordered a cover for the washer with lint. I want to bake a cake but I dread to open any eggs as I have found 6 snakes in them in my life so far and I can't hardly go eggs. The last one I found was June, it was the smallest around, 5 inches the largest was a round 8 inches. (ewww)
Tuesday, April 4, 1961
Orpha and children come for a short visit in after noon, I did my mopping and I am tired.
Wednesday, April 5, 1961
I did a little wash, I still have my cold and headaches. Dad changing my clothesline post and it will give me more room to put up the wash.
Thursday, April 6, 1961
Dad put in corner post between us and Summers. Daisy and Ike was here, brought over some papers.
Friday, April 7, 1961
Mr. and Mrs. Hardy was here for dinner, we had a very good dinner, went to Mrs. Rose tonight.
Saturday, April 8, 1961
I mopped and cleaned, I don't feel too good.
Sunday, April 9, 1961
Went to Daisy this afternoon, Rosie and Jerry (McLaughlin) was there and Dorothy and husband, too. She looked pretty good. (Dorothy was always very pretty, had large dimples)
Monday, April 10, 1961
I did a big wash, dried it in basement, Will be glad when I hang them outdoors.
Tuesday, April 11, 1961
I did my ironing and mopped, Dad still working at his fence post.
Wednesday, April 12, 1961
Got order from Sears. Today Orpha and Claudia was here a while, had a swell visit.
Thursday, April 13, 1961
They read the electric meter today, it is cold, chilly day. I been cleaning, will buy 4 clothes line props. Will give Orpha two as she needs them.
Friday, April 14, 1961
Well, I got my 4 props, so when I go over to Orpha, I will surprise her. It looks like rain today.
Saturday, April 15, 1961
Today is my Dad's birthday, he would be 108 years. Went over to Leonidas and bought 16 iron post cost $4.80. Mrs. Stofflet. Daisy and Ike come over last night, brought over papers.
Sunday, April 16, 1961
Snow last night around 2 inches, had ground plowed yesterday, cost $17.00. One of the neighbors did the plowing.
Monday, April 17, 1961
It snowed and was pretty cold, we stayed home all day, we have a round 10 inches of snow on ground and still snowing. (April?)
Tuesday, April 18, 1961
Well it seems that the snowing is over, the sun is shining bright this morning. I am doing a little wash, I called Orpha and she said their pump was out of order and so is ours, but we have water yet.
Wednesday, April 19, 1961
It is a lovely day, sun shining bright, snow nearly all gone. We are thinking of going to town and to Orpha. I did not go, I was not too good, after I did my ironing. Dad put in post today between us and Summers.
Thursday, April 20, 1961
It looks little cloudy and drizzling rain. I did my ironing.
Friday, April 21, 1961
I cleaned my house and am tired, Dad is cleaning yard and putting in post.
Saturday, April 22, 1961
Went to Orphas, she did my hair but the liquid looked a little curtly and Orpha spoke about it looking so funny.
Sunday, April 23, 1961
Went over to the Dennis', had a good time, Ernest did not look too good.
Monday, April 24, 1961
Well it was so gloomy, I did not wash.
Tuesday, April 25, 1961
I did my wash but hung it inside as the weather was not too good. I had a large wash.
Wednesday, April 26, 1961
I did my ironing and made a blue dress for Daisy. She likes blue. Men cut down the large split tree between us and Summers.
Thursday, April 27, 1961
I mopped kitchen and bathroom today, also cleaned front room, Dad is picking up the limbs from the tree that men cut yesterday. I am making a crochet piece for my davenport back.
Friday, April 28, 1961
My tulips are out in blossom, I am crocheting today and Orby is out cleaning up brush the men made in cutting down the trees. It is nice but they say it is going to rain.
Saturday, April 29, 1961
We went and bought seed potatoes out on Silver Street, south of Vicksburg. Gave $1.75 for 100 lbs. they were small but look real nice, name Kalotans. We planted Kalotans before and they were real good. We stopped at Hardy's and they want us to come to their house for dinner but we did not go.
Sunday, April 30, 1961
Today we stayed home. I made cake and two pies. I look for company, they did not come.

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