Rosa Della Hann Fouts 2/13/1881 - 3/18/1969

Husband: Orby Edwin Fouts 8/11/1883 - 3-25-1970

Married: 6/5/1946 (yes, 1946)

Children: Daisy (DeKilder) 8/24/1899

Orpha (Gimbel) 8/8/1910

Merle Fouts 7/27/1915

Siblings: Lydia and William

(3 Brothers not listed, died before 1897)

Mother: Nancy Louysia Sopher 2/25/1851 - 10/14/1897

Father: Andrew Marion Hann 4/15/1854 - 11/1/1897

Died 17 days after Nancy, reportedly of a broken heart.

Orby's Siblings: Earl, Willard, Retha and Daisy

Mother: Mary E. Ginkins 6/26/1856 - 12/26/1896

Father: John Fouts 3/24/1852-1937

Sunday, January 24, 2010

March 1946

(Rosa is 65 and Orby is 62)

Friday, March 1, 1946
Dorothy, Roy, Rosie and Jerry was here tonight, we popped corn.
Saturday, March 2, 1946
Sunday, March 3, 1946
Merle was here for dinner. I was surprised as I did not expect them.
Monday, March 4, 1946
Went to Orphas, they are all pretty well. I went to Doctor tonight.
Tuesday, March 5, 1946
Went to Otsego to get rent. Little Sandy was not so well, Daisy is some better.
Wednesday, March 6, 1946
I did my wash, Orby fixed wringer. I had been without it 1 year. Scholten got heifer calf today.
Thursday, March 7, 1946
Orby is trimming trees, I did my ironing and mopped. Mr. Dennis was over.
Friday, March 8, 1946
Orby is trimming apple trees. It rained hard for awhile today, I sent 2 orders, Sears and Mail order.
Saturday, March 9, 1946
Went to see about clover seed at Mendon.
Sunday, March 10, 1946
Went to Willard then to Lucille's, then to Blanche, they were all there, then we stopped at Minnie's on the way home, they are okay.
Monday, March 11, 1946
Went to Orphas, stayed all day and Orpha and Bob brought me home, had a good time. Claudia is sweet. bought 2 1/2 bushel clover seed @$22.00 bushel.
Tuesday, March 12, 1946
We killed 5 roosters to get them ready to can tomorrow. Dennis' was here.
Wednesday, March 13, 1946
I canned 13 qt. chicken, my regulator on oven went hay wire. I was worried for fear my chicken will spoil, got order from Sears.
Thursday, March 14, 1946
Orby is taking 17 roosters to town to sell. $23.10. Sowing clover seed today.
Friday, March 15, 1946
Finished sowing clover seed. Got my curtain stretchers today.
Saturday, March 16, 1946
Orby trimmed my flowers. Bud & Orpha came this evening, they will connect up there stool tomorrow. Orpha looked awful sweet, Mrs. Dennis was here today.
Sunday, March 17, 1946
Stayed home, it rained and bad.
Monday, March 18, 1946
Went to Orpha, then Orpha and Claudia went with us to Daisy's, had dinner at Merle's.
We did not see Donald, I only saw him once since he come home for the army. Went to Dr. Sellow tonight. Our cow is expecting calf tonight.
Tuesday, March 19, 1946
Orby is getting feed ground. We went to Dr. Rasmussen. I paid out $6.67 for my Medicine, Orby paid out $2.50. He said my blood pressure 180 and I have bladder infection.(I censored this a little) He said normal blood pressure and bad blood.
Wednesday, March 20, 1946
The Jehovah witnesses was here. I ordered a bible and watch tower and consolations papers $2.50. Was to see Mrs. Lega about calf.
Thursday, March 21, 1946
I washed today, wrote Lydia and Mrs. Williams. My back sure hurts. Orby an d Dennis
went to sale, Orby bought potato and corn planner. Mrs. Dennis stayed with me.
Friday, March 22, 1946
I did ironing and Orby trimmed spirea bushes.
Saturday, March 23, 1946
I just hurt my back, can hardly move. got calf off Scholten put pigs in orchard, went to Dr. Shelow.
Sunday, March 24, 1946
Monday, March 25, 1946
Went to Orphas, stayed till Dad sold eggs. They have their stool hooked up now. They are well. (Orpha and Bud have indoor plumbing now!)
Tuesday, March 26, 1946
I did my wash today.
Wednesday, March 27, 1946
Went to Dowagaic, saw Aunt Minerva and when we come home, Silva came with us. Went to Dr. Rasmussen.
Thursday, March 28, 1946
I was so awful bad today, could hardly mover for my bladder.
Friday, March 29, 1946
Changed Dr. and I feel much better. Dr. Bates is doctoring me now. Orpha, Bob and Claudia was here awhile tonight. The men finished plowing west field for oats today.
Saturday, March 30, 1946
Silva don't feel vry good today, she may go home Monday, don't know. Sally had her calf today.
Sunday, March 31, 1946

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