Rosa Della Hann Fouts 2/13/1881 - 3/18/1969

Husband: Orby Edwin Fouts 8/11/1883 - 3-25-1970

Married: 6/5/1946 (yes, 1946)

Children: Daisy (DeKilder) 8/24/1899

Orpha (Gimbel) 8/8/1910

Merle Fouts 7/27/1915

Siblings: Lydia and William

(3 Brothers not listed, died before 1897)

Mother: Nancy Louysia Sopher 2/25/1851 - 10/14/1897

Father: Andrew Marion Hann 4/15/1854 - 11/1/1897

Died 17 days after Nancy, reportedly of a broken heart.

Orby's Siblings: Earl, Willard, Retha and Daisy

Mother: Mary E. Ginkins 6/26/1856 - 12/26/1896

Father: John Fouts 3/24/1852-1937

Thursday, January 14, 2010

February 1941

(Still residing at 325 Wilmot Street, Otsego, Michigan. She will be 60 on 2/13/41.
She weighed 11 3/4 pounds and was born at 2am.)

Saturday,February 1, 1941
Orby went to see Mr. Wait about the farm. He still wants to trade with us.
Sunday, February 2, 1941
Merle and Letha was here for dinner then we drove over to see the farm we think of buying.
Monday, February 3, 1941
Orby went to Town. I stayed home, it is lovely day, received picture from Pearl Rollins, Sunday morning.
Tuesday, February 4, 1941
I did my wash it sure is a lovely day only little cold.
Wednesday, February 5, 1941
Went to see Daisy, (Daisy would be 41 years old)she don't look well. The children don't mind her and it worries her. Merle was here today.
Thursday, February 6, 1941
Merle was here, brought over some poultry books, his chickens are fine. Letha and children went to Ruth's (Letha's sister) at Kalamazoo. Orby is surveying.
Friday, February 7, 1941
Snow fell nearly all day and it is quit cold. Received letter from Pearl Rollins, said everyone okay.
Saturday, February 8, 1941
Still snowing and it is quit deep. My heart bothering me lately. Mrs. Simmington here today.
Sunday, February 9, 1941
It sure is lovely out, snow melting fast, we had about 8 inches. The children had a Birthday surprise on me, I never was so happy in my life.
Monday, February 10, 1941
It is nice today. Donald (Daisy's son) was over and Mrs. Woodard. Merle took the children down to Allen to have their teeth fixed.
Tuesday, February 11, 1941
Made new large apron 1 3/4 yards, 12 yard binding. Went to Merle's, his chickens look fine, little ones week old. Joyce (Merle's daughter) made Grandma some cookies. The children are so sweet. I love them dearly.
Wednesday, February 12, 1941
Merle was here bought me 2 doz eggs at 18 cts a doz. We went to a show at Kalamazoo called "This Thing Called Love". Show no good.
Thursday, February 13, 1941
We put ad in paper to rent our Orleans rooms. Baker has a baby born today, named Nancy Marie.
Friday, February 14, 1941
Family called to day to see about renting house. We received card from Earls, they are in Florida on visit.
Saturday, February 15, 1941
received letter and valentine and kerchief from Lydia. Earl has a big girl born Jan 28 weigh 5 lb. 2 oz. named Rebecca Ellen Freda. (This entry is confusing to me) Merle and Letha was here for a few minutes.
Sunday, February 16, 1941
Stayed home all day. It was nice but little cold. Merle's was to Orpha's and stayed Saturday night.
Monday, February 17, 1941
Went to Allegan got my driving license. (I didn't know Grandma had a driver's license! I never saw her drive!) It is snowing hard and snow is quit deep.
Tuesday, February 18, 1941
Merle was here, he says his chickens are growing nice but some of them are showing rheumatism. (??? chickens?)
Wednesday, February 19, 1941
I did my wash and ironing, made a new apron.
Thursday, February 20, 1941
Merle and Letha's family was here. Joyce is getting her teeth filled. Orby went to Kalamazoo to get a drain for Orleans Street home.
Friday, February 21, 1941
We went to Merle's, his chickens are growing fine and he has lost only one. They are coming over tomorrow.
Saturday, February 22, 1941
Merle's was here and Letha helped me with the work, she dusted and moped kitchen and bath while I made cake and started dinner. Joyce cut up enough cabbage for dinner. Joyce is sure a little worker. I love her so the little darling.
Sunday, February 23, 1941
We sit around home all day and listened to the radio. Morris Soc is sending a Lady and daughter to see (can't read the rest - sorry)
Monday, February 24, 1941
Orby went to Kalamazoo. Mr. Baker was here as his pump need repairs. My washer went hay wire. Orby ordered parts for it.
Tuesday, February 25, 1941
I did my wash, it is cold today.
Wednesday, February 26, 1941
Merle's stopped on way to Allegan to get his car license. Stopped getting egg off Mr. White, we paid 18 ct. a doz.
Thursday, February 27, 1941
I made two new aprons. I got letter from Silva, she said Roy wanted her money. Daisy and Ike (Ike is Daisy's husband) were here. Ike wants Dad to go fishing Saturday.
Friday, February 28, 1941
I made two new aprons and had company. I made the pink apron and the red flowers percale.
Saturday, February 29, 1941
Leap year. It takes 1 3/4 yard of percale for 4 large aprons with 12 yard of binding.

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