Rosa Della Hann Fouts 2/13/1881 - 3/18/1969

Husband: Orby Edwin Fouts 8/11/1883 - 3-25-1970

Married: 6/5/1946 (yes, 1946)

Children: Daisy (DeKilder) 8/24/1899

Orpha (Gimbel) 8/8/1910

Merle Fouts 7/27/1915

Siblings: Lydia and William

(3 Brothers not listed, died before 1897)

Mother: Nancy Louysia Sopher 2/25/1851 - 10/14/1897

Father: Andrew Marion Hann 4/15/1854 - 11/1/1897

Died 17 days after Nancy, reportedly of a broken heart.

Orby's Siblings: Earl, Willard, Retha and Daisy

Mother: Mary E. Ginkins 6/26/1856 - 12/26/1896

Father: John Fouts 3/24/1852-1937

Saturday, January 16, 2010

February 1942

(Rosa and Orby can't find Ranger, he ran away, they still live in Parchment but tend the farm in Vicksburg, and seem to be getting the farm house finished.)

Sunday, February 1, 1942
18 eggs. Went to Orpha and had a swell time. Left our car to have Bud fix it, drove Bud's car home. I was on pins and needles all the way home, having a strange car and to it snowed. We could hardily see to drive but got home okay at 7:30 pm.
Monday, February 2, 1942
20 eggs. I have a dreadful cold. Went back to bed after Orby went to work, that's the first time in years, I ever did that but I felt so tough, I just had to. Orby went to Otsego after work tonight.
Tuesday, February 3, 1942
18 eggs. Sick all day with hard cold, headaches. Very cold out today and last night was still colder.
Wednesday, February 4, 1942
20 eggs. Still feel like the deuce. My head aches bad. Merle called up said baby was growing like a weed. Said for us to come to Sunday dinner, will see about it.
Thursday, February 5, 1942
12 eggs. When to farm put board around stairway.
Friday, February 6, 1942
22 eggs. Did my wash but sure feel bum, my back and head hurts and my nose is my best friend.
Saturday, February 7, 1942
21 eggs. Orby went to Otsego. I bought Wintergreen Oil to put in rubbing alcohol. Got Polident. My cold is awful, wrote letter to Merle.
Sunday, February 8, 1942
13 eggs. Bud brought our car home this evening and Merle's was here. The baby is growing fine. bud and Orpha was not so good, I can't talk out loud, I have such a cold.
Monday, February 9, 1942
22 eggs. Mrs. Williams was over, she wanted to doctor me up and put me to bed, she is a swell person.
Tuesday, February 10, 1942
13 eggs. Orby went to farm, I still have my cold and can't talk out loud. Orby said if I did not talk pretty soon he would go crazy. I guess he likes to hear me talk.
Wednesday, February 11, 1942
17 eggs. I still am speechless, my cold is some better. Orby went to Kalamazoo.
Thursday, February 12, 1942
17 eggs. I can talk some and I sure am glad and I guess Orby is just as glad. Mrs. Williams was over, we had a very pleasant evening. She stayed till 20 to 10:00 pm.
Friday, February 13, 1942
14 eggs. Today is my birthday. I was born in 1881 on Sunday. Got a box of candy from Orby, one from Daisy and one from Merle, a card from Orpha, a valentine from Joyce, Bobby and David.
Saturday, February 14, 1942
17 eggs.
Sunday, February 15, 1942
15 eggs. Went to Daisy's then went to Merle's for dinner, had a good time. The children had colds and Donald has a cold so did Ike.
Monday, February 16, 1942
22 eggs. I sure is foggy and little colder. I still have it in my throat, can't hardly talk. Some snow on ground.
Tuesday, February 17, 1942
15 eggs. Wrote Lydia a letter. A hen rode to mill last night and was still on car this morning when Orby got home.
Wednesday, February 18, 1942
5 eggs. Sold all hens today but 11 and they laid 5 eggs, got 20 ct. a lb. for them.
Thursday, February 19, 1942
10 eggs. Did my wash and am tired.
Friday, February 20, 1942
6 eggs. Did ironing, nice day.
Saturday, February 21, 1942
7 eggs. Went to farm to paint. Put in a hard day, it is awful cold.
Sunday, February 22, 1942
8 eggs. Went to farm, painted cupboards, worked hard all day.
Monday, February 23, 1942
7 eggs. Orby went to Otsego to see about income tax.
Tuesday, February 24, 1942
7 eggs. I went to town to see about electric stove, got some Miles Nervine as my head hurt bad. Wrote Orpha.
Wednesday, February 25, 1942
7 eggs. Merle's was here to spend evening, had a lovely time. Baby is growing like a weed and the children are fine. Today is Mothers Birthday, had she lived she would be 90 years. Sure miss you dear Mother.
Thursday, February 26, 1942
8 eggs. Went to farm put the linolum down in kitchen hall, bath room. Sure was tired, put in long hours.
Friday, February 27, 1942
7 eggs. Mrs. Williams bought 2 doz. eggs. 60 cts.
Saturday, February 28, 1942
Mrs.Williams made me a lovely cake for tomorrow dinner. 7 eggs. Orby went to Otsego, I stayed home to clean house. I don't feel so good. Merle phoned, they are coming over tomorrow to help move. Davis wants to look at place tomorrow. Nice day a little cold.

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