Rosa Della Hann Fouts 2/13/1881 - 3/18/1969

Husband: Orby Edwin Fouts 8/11/1883 - 3-25-1970

Married: 6/5/1946 (yes, 1946)

Children: Daisy (DeKilder) 8/24/1899

Orpha (Gimbel) 8/8/1910

Merle Fouts 7/27/1915

Siblings: Lydia and William

(3 Brothers not listed, died before 1897)

Mother: Nancy Louysia Sopher 2/25/1851 - 10/14/1897

Father: Andrew Marion Hann 4/15/1854 - 11/1/1897

Died 17 days after Nancy, reportedly of a broken heart.

Orby's Siblings: Earl, Willard, Retha and Daisy

Mother: Mary E. Ginkins 6/26/1856 - 12/26/1896

Father: John Fouts 3/24/1852-1937

Sunday, January 17, 2010

May 1942

(Rosa likes to sew, quilt and crochet. Orby walks in his sleep, seriously, and loves to farm. Together, they can do about anything.)

Friday, May 1, 1942
8 eggs. Sure blew hard all day and still blowing. Sand flying everywhere.
Saturday, May 2, 1942
7 eggs. Orby bought combination door and sent my order to Montgomery for dresses. It is not so windy today. men finished sewing our oats. Nice day.
Sunday, May 3, 1942
8 eggs. Went to Orphas, had a swell time. Took a drive after dinner to the nursery and got a few slips, went through Otsego, stopped at Daisy's. Got home at midnight.
Monday, May 4, 1942
8 eggs. Went to Kalamazoo, got stove. Its a beauty, I paid $50.00 on it myself.
Tuesday, May 5, 1942
10 eggs. Was sure sick today, had nervous headache. Orby did not go to work, he sewed grass seed today.
Wednesday, May 6, 1942
6 eggs. I am some better but not able to work much. Orby went to work, got 1 load gravel hauled, going to fill up driveway.
Thursday, May 7, 1942
9 eggs. It sure was foggy this morning and was nearly all day.
Friday, May 8, 1942
6 eggs. Dads day off, we went to Merle's and I was at Mrs. Williams and borrowed the pattern for my lamp hangers.
Saturday, May 9, 1942
14 eggs. We went to Otsego and then to Kalamazoo, bought 1 bushel potatoes for $1.30 good potatoes to cook. We tired to find some New Hamshire chickens but could not. Dad worked tonight. Orby bought me a lovely flower for Mother's day.
Sunday, May 10, 1942
12 eggs. Found nest. Well, I had a lovely day. Daisy's was over, brought a lovely fuchsia plant and Orby got me a lovely Hydrangea and in afternoon Elmer and family and Silva come and they brought Willie picture. Had a good time and it was a nice day. Merle got me tumblers for Mothers Day.
Monday, May 11, 1942
8 eggs. Sent order to Montgomery $3.50 Chicago mail $3.08 Sears $11.37.
Tuesday, May 12, 1942
6 eggs. Did my wash. It drizzled rain today and sure rained hard long about midnight.
Wednesday, May 13, 1942
Received my wren house and hot mats, we planted lettuce, radish and few potatoes. Set out winter onions. My spireas are all out in bloom they look nice.
Thursday, May 14, 1942
7 eggs. Did ironing and fixed my new dress apron.
Friday, May 15, 1942
6 eggs. It is rainy and cold and I have a very bad headache. Received 2 chairs from Vermuelins, 1 blue and 1 yellow. $5.90 plus 18. $6.08
Saturday, May 16, 1942
6 eggs. Went to Otsego and also was in Kalamazoo, bought me a rubber mat, left it in paper store. Orby laid it on desk. We bought paper for the kitchen for Mrs. Newman.
Sunday, May 17, 1942
7 eggs. Stayed home and worked on cupboards. Ike came over a while after the paper board, Daisy said Dorthy was going to get married 20 of June.
Monday, May 18, 1942
Planted the garden. 8 eggs. It was quite cold, planted onion, pickles, potatoes, lettuce, beans. Our lawn look nice, grass up about 1 inch.
Tuesday, May 19, 1942
8 eggs. Did my wash, went to Merle's and to Otsego, Merle's chickens fine. Joyce was not so well, she looked bad. The baby slept all the time. I was there. Its just 2 weeks since grass seed was sewn.
Wednesday, May 20, 1942
6 eggs. Wrote to Frances to tell her I would go to Peru Saturday with them. Sure cold today.
Thursday, May 21, 1942
8 eggs. Had permanent today. Another cold day, went to Palma, they are pretty well but baby has been sick. Bought 400 pounds chippewa potatoes for seed. $3.35 per hundred.
Friday, May 22, 1942
8 eggs. Had a little rain good for new lawn. Orby is fixing my sink in and am I glad.
Saturday, May 23, 1942
8 eggs. It is a nice day, but little cold. Elmer come after me to go to Peru (Indiana). We had a nice time. Elmer's car is very good on gas, we got to Peru before dark then Frances. Bertha and the children went to see Carmen. Elmer and I and Lydia stayed home.
Sunday, May 24, 1942
6 eggs. Was to Lydia's, stayed up till 2 o'clock, went to bed talked to about 3 o'clock, then went to sleep. Got up at 8 had breakfast, then dinner, then went out to Bell Mcquires, they was not at home. Then come home and saw Roy off to army, then home.
Monday, May 25, 1942
7 eggs. I sure am tired after my trip. I helped cut the seed potatoes and watered the lawn. Went to bed then Dorothy and girlfriend come, she borrowed 30 ct. off me.
Tuesday, May 26, 1942
8 eggs. Orpha and lady friend was here today for dinner. I sure was surprised to see them, had a lovely time. And it was a nice day but look little rainy toward evening. We paid for 1 year Gazette paper today. Kalamazoo Gazette. Planted corn today.
Wednesday, May 27, 1942
6 eggs. I made some flower beds and planted cosmos, four o'clock's and petunias. I filled in the yard by corner of house.
Thursday, May 28, 1942
9 eggs. Did my wash and ironing, sure hot tonight. I am pretty tired.
Friday, May 29, 1942
7 eggs. Went to Merle's, his chickens are growing fast and the children are swell. Awful hot there, Joyce was sweating like a little trouper. David was taking it pretty good, had dinner then went to Daisy's.
Saturday, May 30, 1942
6 eggs. Put up screen doors and put catch on front door. Nice day today, is Memorial Day, we stayed home all day. Men did not work.
Sunday, May 31, 1942
6 eggs. Stayed home all day. Rained tonight. Cow will have calf 1943.

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